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What Clients Have Said

12 months ago I decided I needed to change the way I was eating. I wanted to fuel my exercise properly but I was also looking to change my body. Throughout my life I have been dissatisfied with my body and have put myself through diets and periods of unhealthy eating habits in order to achieve what I thought was the only desirable shape - thin thin thin!


When I first met Gary and booked my consultation I thought that nutritional coaching would be about a strict diet regime with limited food choices and an emphasis on control. 


Over the next few months I soon realised this was not going to be the case. Strict and punishing bad habits were replaced with regular meals. Things I considered to be ‘bad’ foods were made good again which completely opened up my menu options and I found myself enjoying a wider variety of foods. 


Gary helped me to realise how much I had previously punished myself and through weekly coaching I started to unpick all of the psychological issues I had attached to food and my body image. 


Over the 12 months I have been coached by Gary I have achieved a greater confidence in my body. I am stronger and more satisfied with the way I look and I have found real happiness in myself. This self growth has also given me the opportunity to find a love in my life which I thought I would never find. 


I have never been happier or more relaxed and I thank Gary for helping me to achieve this.  I would recommend this process to anyone who has a bad relationship with food and who is ready to make real positive changes in their lives. Gary can help you to change your life!

Nicky Webb

I got in contact with Gary to help me lose weight, but I gained more than that.  I now understand what my body needs to fuel itself and how I can add daily movements to support my weight loss, with Gary’s help I’ve worked out how to structure my day so these changes stay with me for the long term. 

I now eat more protein than ever! even boiled eggs (I never would have thought that), I carry a bottle of water everywhere with me, I consciously move as much as I can (walk, take stairs etc), I’ve joined a gym and found exercise classes which I enjoy. As a result, I feel calmer, more energised and I’m trimmer.   

There have been bumps along this journey, but with Gary’s calm perspective, motivation and focus on practical solutions which fit into my life, he has helped me keep going and look at the bigger picture to do what is right for me.  I’m glad I invested in myself.   


I started working with Gary as I had worked on many aspects of developing a healthy lifestyle but taking more control of my food was the final piece of the jigsaw. Gary took the time to get to know my history and lifestyle to be able to offer the best support. Each week we chipped away at creating new and sustainable habits that allowed me to continue to live a varied life and train without restriction. 

Gary recognises that nutrition is not simple - biological, psychological and social factors all play a part, and therefore he creates personalised plans. There was no rigidity; we tried something and if it did not work for me, we changed it. His methods are evidence based but also rely on constant real-life feedback. 

Due to the nature of this work, Gary did not always see me at my best. However, he was always compassionate and checked in when things were tough and at times was my biggest cheerleader!

Louise Wright

I can't believe the progress we have made, right from the start we set out our goals and a plan of how we wanted to attack them, week in week out he's been on the ball with check ins and any questions I might have reassuring me along the way! My relationship with food and my body has improved dramatically since, being afraid to eat certain foods which now I have the confidence to make choices that won't affect the long term goals. Making small wins on a weekly basis has meant that the bigger goal not feel so overwhelming, would highly recommend him to anyone from athletes to people looking to learn to make healthy choices and stay fit!!!

Nathan Overton

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya


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