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Support That Makes a Difference

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Meta-Nutrition bespoke plans can help you if you want to:

  • Build Muscle

  • Lose Weight

  • Improve your overall health

  • Improve your athletic performance

  • Keep up with your kids


Programmes are designed to support change and build a healthier lifestyle. Following an initial consultation we agree goals and begin the process of making positive change.  Moving at a pace to suit the individual you will received a personalised nutrition plan which evolves with you. In addition to this we'll look closely at your sleep and stress management, building habits that you can incorporate into your lifestyle - for the rest of your life

Metamorphosis is the  flagship package from Meta Nutrition. It provides clients with the most comprehensive Coaching experience.

What you get:

  • Initial in depth consultation to set goals and expectations

  • Full support through weekly APP based check-in and 30 minute weekly consultation - via WhatsApp or Face to Face if possible.

  • Message support between check-ins via APP if required

  • Guidance, support and accountability from a certified Coach

  • Access to an exclusive and private Meta Nutrition FB page - offering the added bonus of Group support

  • Recipe and meal ideas

  • Real, evidence based, information on health and nutrition

  • Free gift on sign up


  • £79 per month payable in 3 month blocks. Discounts are available if you pay for 6, 9 or 12 months in advance

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Meta Lifestyle is the package for you if you're on a budget, or just want a lighter touch Coaching experience. 

What you get:

  • Initial consultation to set goals and expectations

  • Daily APP based habit tracking

  • Weekly APP based Check In

  • Monthly 30 minute Review - via WhatsAPP or Face to Face

  • Guidance, support and accountability from a certified Coach

  • Real, evidence based, information on health and nutrition

  • ONLY £49 per month payable in 3 month blocks.


Available for either Metamorphosis or MetaLifestyle clients

  • Meal Plans - designed to accommodate your personal tastes and fit your calorie/macro goals - £40 for a 7 day plan

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