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I was not into sport growing up. I was a skinny kid and as a younger man struggled to put on weight. Through my late teens and into my late twenties I was quite heavily into martial arts. I earned my black belt in JKD, trained in BJJ and MMA and at my most dedicated I was also weight training 5 days a week during my lunch break. But I never really saw the physique changes I wanted.


Once I became a Dad to 3 boys I needed to knuckle down to provide for my family.  All my health and fitness goals took a back seat for the next 10 years. I had a high pressure job in middle management, spent too much time sat down and drank far too much mainly to help me wind down.


In 2018 I decided this all had to change and in my head I had one last chance to get fit and healthy before I was over the hill (I was 43!). So I started Crossfit.


I was surrounded by positive people and the classes pushed me to my limits.  When I stopped making newbie gains I began looking more closely at my diet. Through this I discovered Precision Nutrition and in 2020 I took the plunge and became a PN Level 1 Certified Nutrition Coach. I started to apply what I was learning to my own life and found I had more energy, better sleep, less body fat, performed better in the gym and managed my stress more effectively.


Looking back I can see why I had failed in the past to make the progress I wanted with my physique and fitness - I wasn’t fuelling myself correctly.  


I set up Meta-Nutrition so I could help people realise that age really is just a number.


With the right support and guidance anyone can make changes to their lifestyle to improve their health, fitness, weight and body image.


If I can do it so can you!

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